17 July 2010

The Team assembles in Europe

Good Morning Canada!

All members of the Team have now arrived in Europe.

Willem has been in Hungary for a while, familiarizing himself with the Antares and the contest area by competing in the Flatland Cup

Dave and Virginia have picked up glider (ASW-27) and car at Schleicher and is on his way to Munich to meet me there.

Jerzy and Maria should have arrived in Munich this morning. The have to make a tight connection to Poland where they will pick up a car and a brand new ASG-29 which was generously made available by a SOSA member. We expect them in Szeged on Sunday or Monday.

I just stepped off the airplane in Munich. Flying on points, I had to go through Chicago to make it work. Should meet up with Dave and Virginia in an hour or so. We will be driving to Szeged from here with an overnight stop in Austria or Hungary. We expect to be in Szeged Sunday eve.

14 July 2010


Virginia and I are now at the Toronto Airport awaiting our flight - next stop Frankfurt, then on the train to Fulda and then to Poppenhausen to pick up the car and glider from the good folks at Alexander Schleicher. 

The wifi access is likely to be limited for the next few days, so there will probably not much new on the blog until we arrive in Szeged on Sunday.
