09 August 2012

Thursday 9 Aug - post briefing

Here are the task sheets.  There is one major change; finish ring diameter has increased from 3 km to 15 km, finish alitude increased to 3,000'msl (914.4m).  This will give the pilots options, should thunderstorms develop as expected at 4 pm; they can finish then 'hang around' or land elsewhere safely rather than be forced into a landing in less than idea circumstances.  Good, safe tasking.

Shorter tasks, since we are being compressed by the sea breeze front from the south, and north texas divergence to the north...  A nice break for all concerned.  We may land to the north, for the first time in this contest and practice (or any in memory for those who have been here before).  A procedure has been sent, so crews and pilots are ready.

Cloudbase at launch will be 5.5k' to 6k', rising to 8,500' by 4pm.  At 2pm lift of 5-6 kts, 4pm, 7-8 kts.

There is potential for winds at Uvalde at 4pm gusting to 35 kts.  We will drop "Canada Base" tent after start times are sent, so that it will exist tomorrow.  This promises to be a "dust-fest"!

Grid, 1200.  Should be a VERY interesting day.

Dan Daly

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