05 August 2010

Task Delta

This morning at the meeting we were given tasks A and B of 435 km and 375 km.  The weather man then gave his briefing and said cloud base would probably be in the 1000 m range and maybe 1200.  He also pointed out a large area of high cloud to the east that would be tracking over the task area for both the A and B tasks.  I wondered if the task-setter had actually talked to the weatherman before he dreamed up these tasks.

Soon after the meeting a task C was devised that was 299 km, but still in the direction of the high cloud to the north east, and then once we were on the grid task D was announced that kept us closer in to the home field and was 294 km.  The final legs still went to the north east, and guess where most people landed out today! 

The first few legs went well, and I was able to keep with the gaggle.  On the fourth leg we came back towards Szeged and there was a large area of shade to the east and a large blue hole to cross to get to the a few cu just before Szeged.  After crossing the blue hole. the 15 meter gaggle worked some weak lift to get enough height to cross the shade and connect with cu to the east.  Some left low and went for it, and it seems that this worked for them.  From this point I was now at the tail end and could always see them one climb and a 1000 ft higher. Just before the fourth turnpoint I was down to 1300 AGL and was able to work my way back up to 1900 and attempted to reconnect with a gaggle ahead of me, but I got there too low and couldn't climb away.

The field was good and right beside the main highway, so the retrieve was quick.  Steve Burany joined Virginia on the retrieve and Olga went on the retrieve for Willem.

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